Area of Campus |
Total Are (in sq. Mtrs.) |
9915 |
Built up Area (in sq. Mtrs.) |
1543 |
Area of Playground (in sq. Mtrs.) |
8337 |
Wheather the School is running at two sites? |
No |
Does School campus, School building(s) and playgroud(s) exist on a single contiguous plot of land |
Yes |
Does Pucca Boundary Wall of sufficient height on all sides exist? |
Yes |
Availability of Drinking Water |
Potable Water is available |
Yes |
RO/Water Filters Installed |
Yes |
No. of Drinking water taps |
19 |
Sanitary Conditions |
Type of W.C and Toilets |
Flush |
No. of Toilets Separately for Boys |
03 |
No. of Toilets Separately for Girls |
02 |
Are Toilets for Boys & Girls Sufficiently Distant? |
Yes |
No. of Toilets Separately for Disabled |
01 |
No. of Toilets Separately for Staff |
03 |
Are washrooms clean & hygienic? |
Yes |
Are all washroom fittings clean and in working condition? |
Yes |
Is there adequate provision for running water in Toilets? |
Yes |
Is there adequate ventilation in the washrooms? |
Yes |
Has certificate about health, sanitary conditions and drinking water of the Schoiol been obtained from the competent authority of the area? |
Yes |